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ロシアのファン・クラブ代表による、元 日本フォノグラム社長へのインタビュー

Paul Mauriat's music will always be with people in Japan.

Special thanks to Dmitry Zhoukov - Paul Mauriat Fan Club (Russia)
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Special thanks to Dmitry Zhoukov - Paul Mauriat Fan Club (Russia)


Photo: "The Ed Sullivan Show" on Feb. 18, 1968.

Photo: "The Ed Sullivan Show" on Feb. 18, 1968.

Paul Mauriat, the French master of “easy listening”, was not a superstar in France unlike the top-singers such as Charles Aznavour, Mireille Mathieu or Salvatore Adamo. But he managed to become No.1 of all French artists in the United States! And his numerous recordings, especially “Love is blue”, are continuing to be the one of the brightest and most attractive goods of whole French export.


Photo: Conductor Paul Mauriat, accompanist of C.Aznavour and art-director of M.Mathie, 

French TV Program "Tilt Magazine" on Feb. 28, 1968.

Photo: Conductor Paul Mauriat, accompanist of C.Aznavour and art-director of M.Mathie, 

French TV Program "Tilt Magazine" on Feb. 28, 1968.

10 years ago the Maestro's friends in the world have been orphaned. Own memories about Paul kindly shared the president of the Japanese record company Nippon Phonogram / Mercury Music Entertainment since 1990 to 1999 Alexander ABRAMOFF.

Photo: Alexander Abramoff
Photo: Alexander Abramoff

- アレクサンダーさんは日本でのポール・モーリアの人気のことは覚えてらっしゃいますか。
- ポール・モーリアのレコードを発売していた日本フォノグラムに私が入った1977年当時は、既に彼は日本ではビッグ・アーティストでした。ですので、わたしは彼の人気がどのようにして高まっていったかというきっかけの場にいなかったのです。当時、ポール・モーリアの演奏する音楽は"ラブ・サウンド"というくくりに分類されていて、誰でもが"ラブ・サウンド"という言葉を聞けば即座にポール・モーリアや彼の音楽がすぐに想起される、そんな状況でした。
- Dear Alexander! Do you remember how started Paul Mauriat's popularity in Japan?
- I joined Nippon Phonogram, Paul Mauriat’s record company in Japan, in 1977 and at that time he was already a big name in the country. Thus, I was not there to witness how his popularity in Japan was kicked off. The music played by the Paul Mauriat Orchestra was tagged “Love Sound” in Japan and whenever one heard the phrase “love sound”, it was automatically associated with Paul and his music.

Photo: Paul Mauriat and his "love sound" could easy to fill concert halls everywhere in Japan.
(Ticket at Hokkaido Kosei-Nenkin Kaikan in Sapporo on November 9th, 1982.)
Photo: Paul Mauriat and his "love sound" could easy to fill concert halls everywhere in Japan.
(Ticket at Hokkaido Kosei-Nenkin Kaikan in Sapporo on November 9th, 1982.)

- 1970年代はポールのオーケストラにはどのくらいのファンがいたのでしょうか?
- わかりやすい例で言うと、最盛期にはポール・モーリアのオーケストラは、毎回の日本でのコンサートツアー中に30を越える会場で売り切れを出していました。どの会場も少なくとも2,000人以上の席があったんですよ。
- あなたにとってポールの思い出のレコーディング曲は何ですか?
- 数えきれいくらいありますよ。でもその中から何曲かに絞れ、と言われたら「恋はみずいろ」と「オリーブの首飾り」を選ぶでしょうね。
- How large was the Japanese audience of his orchestra in 70s?
- A good indication is that the Paul Mauriat Orchestra was doing around 30 sold out concerts throughout Japan each time the orchestra toured the country. Each venue could seat at least around 2,000 people.
- What recordings by Paul Mauriat are your favorite?
- There are so many, but if I were asked to name a few, I would say “Love is Blue” and “El Bimbo”.

Photo: Paul Mauriat on the stage of Nippon Budokan in Tokyo, Japan tour, 1977.
Photo: Paul Mauriat on the stage of Nippon Budokan in Tokyo, Japan tour, 1977.

- 日本におけるポール・モーリア現象について教えてもらえますか?
- 当時ポール・モーリアは、東京にある1万人を越える座席数の日本武道館という有名な会場で開催するコンサートの2回の公演のチケットを、たった1日で売り切ってしまったただ一人の外国人アーティストでした。彼の人気の状況を語るにおいて、これ以上のものはないでしょう。それと、パリのシャンゼリゼ通りならポールとともに気軽に歩くことができるのですが、東京にある通りで歩こうものなら、彼が気がつく間もなくファンに取り囲まれてしまい、それはたいへんでした。
- How you could explain the phenomenon of Paul Mauriat in Japan?
- Paul Mauriat is the only international artist to this date who played two sold-out shows in one day at the famous Nippon Budokan, a 10,000 seater in Tokyo - nothing else better describes the phenomenon. Also, although I could walk on Champs Elysees in Paris rather freely with Paul, I could hardly walk with him on streets in Tokyo as he was surrounded by fans the moment he was recognized.

Photo: Paul Mauriat with J.J.Tilche, Director of Production for Philips Records (USA) on 27 January 1968  that "Love is blue" and album "Blooming Hits" arrived at the number of the spot on the Billboard charts.
Photo: Paul Mauriat with J.J.Tilche, Director of Production for Philips Records (USA) on 27 January 1968  that "Love is blue" and album "Blooming Hits" arrived at the number of the spot on the Billboard charts.

- 実際、あなたは"ビルボード"誌のジャーナリストとしてポール・モーリアの人気にも貢献していたのは確かではないでしょうか?
- 私はビルボード誌のライターとして、彼の人気拡大には実は"貢献"していないのです。ただし、彼の日本での人気をブラジルを含め世界中に伝え広げることに寄与したことは間違いありません。そのブラジルは日本に続く2番目に大きな市場となりました。
- Surely, you have also contributed to its popularization as a journalist in "Billboard" magazine, is it not?
- I did not really “contribute” to his popularity as a writer for Billboard, but I certainly helped to spread the news of his popularity in Japan around the world including Brazil which was his second largest market after Japan.

Photo: from The Billboard magazine (September, 1973)
Photo: from The Billboard magazine (September, 1973)

- ポールとの最初の出会いを覚えていますか。
- 私の初めてのポールとの出会いは1970年代の始めの頃、ビルボード誌と姉妹誌だった「ミュージック・ラボ」という日本で音楽誌でインタビューした時です。その時、私は高校と大学を通じて既に8年間も学んできたフランス語でインタビューをおこなったんです。彼はすごく丁寧に私からの質問に答えてくれました。そして彼がいかに日本と日本のファンのためにいろいろ考えているかということを、今でも私は覚えています。日本の市場に向けて時間や努力を費やすことについて、彼は何の躊躇もないことは明らかでした。
- Do you remember your first contact with Paul?
- My first contact with Paul was in early 70’s when I interviewed him for a Japanese music trade paper called “Music Labo” which was the sister publication of Billboard in Japan. At that time, I did the interview in French which by that time I had studied for eight years at high school and university. He was very kind in answering all my questions and I still remember how thoughtful he was about Japan and his fans in the country. It was clear that he did not mind to spend his time and efforts on the market.

Photo: Paul with Jane birkin, Serge Gainsbourg, Francis Lai.
from "FMfan The Book of Easy Listening" published by Kyodo News, 1977.
Photo: Paul with Jane birkin, Serge Gainsbourg, Francis Lai.
from "FMfan The Book of Easy Listening" published by Kyodo News, 1977.

After I joined Nippon Phonogram in 1977, we often talked about our first encounter but spoke in English as my French was weakening. The last time I practiced my French with Paul was at his farewell party which Nippon Phonogram, or Mercury Music Entertainment as it was call then, hosted for Paul in Osaka after his last concert in Japan. Paul liked my speech in French.

Photo: Paul Mauriat and Valentin Coupeau, his manager and co-producer, discuss a newly released laser-disc "Classical Elegance" in Paris, 1985.
Photo: Paul Mauriat and Valentin Coupeau, his manager and co-producer, discuss a newly released laser-disc "Classical Elegance" in Paris, 1985.

- その頃のポールとの仕事について教えていただけますか。
- 私はポールと働くことがいつも喜びでした。それよりも、私は凄腕マネージャーが彼の傍らにいたことに言及しないといけません。亡くなったヴァランタン・クポーです。ヴァランタンはあらゆる意味で紳士でした。彼はすべてのポールのコンサートでミキシング・コンソールの前に座り、音づくりをしていました。また、バランタンはレコード会社の人々、コンサートの招聘会社、報道関係者などなど様々な人からのポールへの対応をうまくいくよう取りはからっていました。ポールは、ヴァランタン無くしては、自身が日本で受けていたような人気を享受できていなかったことは間違いないと確信してます。
- Please, tell about your work with him at that time.
- It was always a pleasure to work with Paul, but I must mention the wonderful manager he had beside him – late Valentin Coupeau. Valentin was the gentleman in every meaning of the word. He was at a mixing console at all of Paul’s concerts working on the sound. Valentin made it easy and pleasant to deal with Paul for all of us – i.e. people at a record company, concert promoters, press, etc. Without Valentin, I am sure Paul could not enjoy the popularity he enjoyed in Japan.

Photo: Paul Mauriat is talking his Japanese speech in Japan tour, 1973.
Photo: Paul Mauriat is talking his Japanese speech in Japan tour, 1973.

- ポールについて、どんな人物で芸術家であったか、思い出すことはありますか?
- ポールは日本と日本のファンを愛していました。どの公演でも、彼は日本語による5分間スピーチを準備していました。彼はそのスピーチの内容を徹底的に記憶し、すべての公演の最初の始まりでその内容を披露しました。これはもちろん日本人の心を惹きつけました。また、いつの日本ツアーでも、その時々に流行っていた日本のヒット曲を披露してきました。これらのヒット曲はポールの"ラブ・サウンド"のスタイルにアレンジされ、コンサートで披露されるや、それは観客にとってはうれしい驚きでした。
- What a person and an artist you recollect Paul?
- Paul loved Japan and his fans in the country. For every tour of the country, he prepared a five minute speech in Japanese which he memorized thoroughly and gave at the beginning of each of his concert throughout the tour. This of course moved hearts of people in Japan. Also, every time the orchestra toured Japan, they played Japanese hits which were popular in the country then. The hits were arranged in Paul’s style of “love sound” and, when they were performed at a concert, they were a pleasant surprise for its audience.

Photo: from the cover jacket "La Melodie d'Amour" Laser Disc SM048-216
Live at Tokyo Kosei Nenkin Kaikan Hall on Oct. 24, 1982.
Photo: from the cover jacket "La Melodie d'Amour" Laser Disc SM048-216
Live at Tokyo Kosei Nenkin Kaikan Hall on Oct. 24, 1982.

Paul not only cared about his fans in Japan, but he also took excellent care of members of his orchestra. After a concert, he took a small number of members of his orchestra out for dinner which was often held at a Japanese restaurant. He made it sure that every member was taken out for such dinner at least once during a tour. Such thoughtfulness moved hearts of members of his orchestra.

Photo: Mercian CM, 1976 and UCC CM,1982.
"I've found excellent wine in Japan !" "Le café c'est ma musique"
Photo: Mercian CM, 1976 and UCC CM,1982.
"I've found excellent wine in Japan !" "Le café c'est ma musique"

- 彼は日本のものが何でも好きだったんでしょうか。
-  ポールは"甲州"ワインが大好きでした。実際、彼は日本で"メルシャン・ワイン"のTVコマーシャルにも出ていました。彼は"神戸ビーフ"も大好きでしたね。あれはおそらく世界で一番の牛肉でしょう。彼は日本の"鉄板焼き"のレストランも楽しんでいました。それと、もうひとつ覚えてます。日本の時計ブランド"SEIKO"も彼のお気に入りのブランドでした。
- Did he liked anything in Japan?
- Paul was a big fan of Japanese “Koshu” wine. He actually did a tv commercial for “Mercian Wine” in Japan. He was also a big fan of “Kobe Beef” which probably is the best beef in the world. He enjoyed going to “teppanyaki” restaurants in Japan. I also remember that he was a big fan of Japanese watches – “Seiko” was his favorite brand.

Photo left: Paul Mauriat and Masuo Ikeda at Studio des Dames in Paris, 1982. 
Photo right: Labyrinth by Takao Kisugi with Paul Mauriat / Laser Disc.
Live at Osaka Festival Hall on December 2nd, 1984.
Photo left: Paul Mauriat and Masuo Ikeda at Studio des Dames in Paris, 1982. 
Photo right: Labyrinth by Takao Kisugi with Paul Mauriat / Laser Disc.
Live at Osaka Festival Hall on December 2nd, 1984.

- 彼は日本の芸術家仲間から多くの共演の要請を受けていたでしょうか?
- そうですね。ポールは多くの日本人アーティストとコラボレートしました。もっとも特筆すべきなのは「窓からローマが見える」という池田満寿夫監督の日本映画の音楽を手がけたことでしょうね。ポールが日本の映画のために音楽に関わったのはこの1回でした。
- Did Paul received a lot of offers from Japanese colleagues to cooperate?
- Yes, Paul did collaborate with many Japanese artists. The most noteworthy, I believe, is the film music he did for a Japanese film called “Madokara Romaga Mieru” (Roma dalla finestra) which was conducted by Masuo Ikeda. This was the single time that Paul did music for Japanese movie.

Photo: Paul Mauriat receives the flowers from his Japanese fans and whole families, Japan tour, 1979.
Photo: Paul Mauriat receives the flowers from his Japanese fans and whole families, Japan tour, 1979.

- What influence he have had on the J-pop?
- He may not have had any direct impact on J-Pop, but Paul did change the concert scene in Japan. Up until his time, people in Japan once they graduated from their university and joined a company and put on a necktie, they stopped going to concerts. However, Paul’s concerts drew older people and families. They even drew three generations – grandparents, parents and children.

Photo: Paul with Augusto Algueró in Mexico, june 1971. He is the composer of "Penelope".
Photo: Paul with Augusto Algueró in Mexico, june 1971. He is the composer of "Penelope".

- ビルボード誌によるとポール・モーリアは1972年に『エーゲ海の真珠』のアルバムでゴールド・ディスクを受賞し、1979年には「ペガサスの涙」と「みずいろの雨」でもゴールド・ディスクを受賞しているとあります。それ以外に「オリーブの首飾り」のような他のヒット曲でどのくらいの賞を受賞しているのでしょう?
- 私は、ポールがどれだけ日本でゴールド・アルバムを獲得したかは覚えていません。私が確実に記憶しているのは、永年に渡って日本フォノグラムでポール・モーリアが2千万枚以上ものアルバムを売り上げていることです。
- According to American "Billboard" magazine Paul Mauriat was awarded by the one gold disc in 1972 for the album "Penelope" and another gold disc in 1979 for the “Pegase” and “Mizuiro no ame”. How much he awarded prizes for other successful recordings, such as “El bimbo”?
- I do not remember how many gold albums Paul received in Japan. However, I do remember that at Nippon Phonogram we sold more than 20 million albums of the Paul Mauriat Orchestra over the years in Japan.

Photo: During Japanese tour 1979 Paul Mauriat receives a gold disk from Nippon Phonogram president, Nobuya Itoh, for Japanese sales action on the orchestra leader's "Pegase" and "Mizuiro no ame" albums.
Photo: During Japanese tour 1979 Paul Mauriat receives a gold disk from Nippon Phonogram president, Nobuya Itoh, for Japanese sales action on the orchestra leader's "Pegase" and "Mizuiro no ame" albums.

- 日本ではどのくらいのアルバムが売れたらゴールド・ディスクを受賞するのでしょう?
- 今では日本でもゴールド・アルバムに対する基準はありますが、この当時はありませんでした。
- For how much number of sold albums the artist was awarded a gold disc in Japan?
- Although there is an industry-wide standard for gold albums now in Japan, during the years when...

Photo: Paul Mauriat in Japan, 1980s.
Photo: Paul Mauriat in Japan, 1980s.

- ポール・モーリアは日本人の心の中に生き続けるのでしょうか、ご意見を聞かせてください。
- 絶対に生き続けると思いますね。ポールの音楽はいまだにTVやラジオ、店の中やそれ以外でも聴くことができます。彼の音楽は日本人の身近な存在であり続けるでしょう。
- On your opinion, will Paul Mauriat always be alive in the people's hearts in Japan?
- I definitely think so. Paul’s music is still heard on tv, radio, in-stores and other places in Japan and his music will always be with people in Japan.

Photo: The Last Concert DVD released from Music League.
  Paul Mauriat's music will always be with people in Japan.
Photo: The Last Concert DVD released from Music League.
  Paul Mauriat's music will always be with people in Japan.

Prepared by Dmitry Zhoukov - Paul Mauriat Fan Club (Russia)
Translated into Japanese by Kunihiko Matsumoto
日本語訳:松本 久仁彦

[2016.10.29 up date]